Frontiers in Geotechnical Engineering
Editor-in-Chief: TBD
Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN Online: TBD

Guidelines for Authors

This information is intended to provide a brief description of Frontiers in Geotechnical Engineering (FGE) format and style requirements as a guide for researchers planning to publish in the journal.   Reading and thoroughly understanding the manuscript requirements before submittal would ensure adherence to FGE standards and thus facilitate acceptance by the editorial board.

Format of Manuscripts

FGE only publishes original research.  Original research findings, reports, review articles, letters, technical reports, working papers and the like, will all be considered for publication.  They will be judged first and foremost by their relevance to the journal and import to the reader.  Other factors considered before acceptance will be the innovation, clarity of thought, and technical merit.

FGE is an English publication.  We thus suggest all submissions be made in English.  Authors, corresponding authors, or agents of such can provide a translation of the manuscript from the original language into English. All submitted manuscripts must be written in idiomatic English and easily understandable. 

Style and Formatting

FGE places great importance on adherence to known standards.  Where no clear standard is in place we adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style 16th ed., 2010 published by the University of Chicago.  Where there is a dispute as to proper word usage or spelling we adhere to the standard set out in the Oxford English Dictionary 2nd ed., 2006 published by the Oxford University Press.

FGE general rules to style and formatting are as follows:

Manuscripts written with Microsoft Word and LaTeX are both acceptable for paper submission to FGE.  All manuscripts should be written in Palatino Linotype, point 10 font.  We recommend each paper be 5000 words or less.  Adhering to this limit would restrict each manuscript to around 10 pages.  The first page should include: manuscript title, author, corresponding author(s), and contact e-mail for each author.  The following section would include the abstract, key words, and introduction in that order.  The abstract should be limited to 300 words.  The abstract should likewise be both clear and concise.  Key words should be limited to 7 words or less.  The introduction should outline what is already generally known and commonly accepted on the subject and what the paper will add.  Abbreviations that will be used in the body of the paper can be explained here.

The body of the paper would follow.  It must be simple to understand, logically arranged, and of the highest quality and clarity.  The image quality and clarity will be very important in the journal production process.  Photographs should be supplied in JPEG format with DPI (dots per inch) equal to 300 or greater. 

The standard for references is outlined in chapter 14 of the Chicago Manual of Style 16th ed., 2010 published by the University of Chicago.  It should be titled 'References' .  The space before 'References'  should be 12pt.  The space after will be 6pt.  Alphabetically arrange names, last name first.  The space between each entry should be exactly 16pt.  The first line of each entry will be flush with the left margin.  Each additional line for that entry will be indented 0.2 in (0.51cm). 

For more detailed instructions please see the Author’s Complete Style Guide.

To download the FGE style template click here.


All tables, figures, photographs, pictures, charts, diagrams not of the owner's originality or provided in conjunction with outside sources should acknowledge source.  All relevant permissions must likewise be attained and forwarded with the manuscript submission.  Photographs containing product branding, trademarked symbols, people or the like should not be provided without the written permission from the individuals or companies pictured.

Publication Deadline

FGE selects manuscripts throughout the year to publish.  While the editorial board works hard to expeditiously process each manuscript, we cannot guarantee a date of completion for each review.  The review process is left to the mercy of the reviewers.  We therefore suggest, after thorough completion of manuscript, prompt submittal.  Each accepted manuscript will be processed with due diligence after acceptance by the editorial board. 

Manuscript Submittal

All manuscripts are to be submitted through our manuscript submittal systemNote: Submittal is only the first step towards possible publication in FGE and does not guarantee acceptance or publication in the journal.

Article Processing Charge

Science and Engineering Publishing requires basic article processing charge to help defray the cost of publication. The charges apply to all contributions. The author who submits the manuscript is responsible for making or arranging the payment. Articles published in our journals are freely available online to anyone, which maximizes the visibility, and thus the uptake and use of articles.