Statistics Research Letters Failure Progressive Censored Weibull Data Under Bayesian Analysis2017-0<p class="abstract">First Failure Progressive Censored Weibull Data Under Bayesian Analysis</p><ul><li>Pages 1-8</li><li>Author Gyan Prakas</li><li>Abstract In the present article, the Progressive First-Failure censoring criterion have used for the Bayesian analysis for unknown parameter of the Weibull failure model. A combination of discrete prior and an informative prior probability distribution are assumed here for the shape parameter and scale parameter respectively. In the Bayesian analysis of the Scale parameter both the case of known and unknown shape parameter are considered here. Prediction of the future lifetime is derived also under One-Sample plan, whereas Bayes estimates are examined under asymmetric loss function. A real life example illustrates the proposed procedures for the Weibull failure model.</li></ul> Research Letters